Mark Grabowski tackled this controversy in his latest Washington Examiner column. He opposes a petition by journalism professors calling on networks to stop airing Trump's briefings over concerns of him spreading misinformation.
"News flash: The public knows Trump lies," he wrote. "But they don’t need to be told that by the media, which ranks 16 points lower than the president in handling the crisis. Many of the same journalists who would filter Trump’s words have exacerbated the infodemic by spreading their share of misinformation about COVID-19.
"A CNN anchor was caught staging fake news about his quarantine. On multiple occasions, journalists have misrepresented Trump's statements related to the virus. No, he didn't call it a hoax or prescribe fish tank cleaner. That's why TV networks should show exactly what the president says, unedited, and let the public evaluate for themselves. In fact, networks have a duty to do so."
Grabowski, who teaches media law and ethics, also had his take cited in Tulsa Beacon column and a blog post by the Oklahoma City of Public Affairs' Center for Independent Journalism.