This Spring, I am teaching a new study abroad course, 108-329-004 International Reporting. The course will be offered through Adelphi University, where I'm a professor.
Participants will travel to Oslo, Norway, and Copenhagen, Denmark, for about 4 weeks shortly after final exams end on May 19. There, students will write stories, blog, take photos and/or make videos related to foreign correspondence and travel writing. Most Scandinavians speak English, so students do NOT need to know any foreign language to get around or interview people.
Prior to departure, students will meet on campus eight times during the Spring semester (starting in late March) to prepare students for the trip and teach them the basics of international reporting. Those classes will be held on Wednesday evenings in Blodgett Hall, so they shouldn't interfere with any other classes. Students who have scheduling conflicts or are away from campus in the Spring may still participate by watching the classes online. Non-Adelphi students may also enroll in the course.
Because the course is a Spring course, it will count towards Spring credits. That means, there will be no extra charge for tuition and students will be able to use their financial aid. However, there will be charges for airfare, meals and housing, which will total about $3,750. It's expensive, but not a bad price given that students be spending nearly 4 weeks in Europe.
For more information, contact me by clicking here.